

After accident proceeding

In accordance with art. 3 § 1 of the Act from 30 October 2002 on social insurance for occupational accidents and occupational diseases (Journal of Laws No. 167 from 2009 year, pos. 1322): "An accident at work is a sudden event caused by external resulting in trauma or death, which occurred in connection with work."

The duties of the employer in case of an accident at work should include: providing first aid to victims, securing the accident place, the establishment of the forensic team, which will determine the circumstances and causes of the accident and shall prepare and approve accident protocol, and in the final stage of the case record, compile statistical card of the accident to the Central Statistical Office and identify preventive measures and proposals.

AS SERVICE in its services offer comprehensive conducting accident investigations, both in the performance of safety supervision and individual orders. Our offer is addressed to all employers who want to save time and make sure that the documentation is drawn up on time and in accordance with the law.